Python Calculator

CLI Based Calculator Written In Python


This project involves developing a Calculator App using Python, designed to run in a Command Line Interface (CLI) environment. It was created as part of a module during my Level 3 Diploma.

Project Requirements

The module required the creation of a functional calculator program that could:

  • Accept user input
  • Perform various calculations
  • Display results on the screen
  • Implement error-checking to validate user input before proceeding

Learning and Development

Throughout the course, I enhanced my understanding of several key Python concepts, including:

  • Error checking
  • Function creation and invocation
  • String formatting
  • Input validation
  • Variables and iterations

By integrating these concepts, I successfully developed a robust Calculator App.

User Interface Enhancement

After finalizing the core functionality and ensuring proper validation, I sought to improve the user interface. I incorporated the Python library Colorama to enhance the UI by changing text colors at different stages of the app. This included displaying error messages in a distinct color to clearly indicate input errors.

Development Process

This project provided valuable experience in procedural programming with Python. I learned to:

  • Plan the program structure
  • Identify necessary steps for development
  • Create reusable code blocks in the form of functions


The Calculator App project not only met the module requirements but also allowed me to apply and deepen my Python programming skills. Enhancing the user interface with Colorama added an extra layer of user-friendliness, making the app more engaging and intuitive.


Python is a lightweight programming language that has various applications across many different forms of technology.

VS Code

I used VS Code as my IDE before uploading the code to Replit for my tutor to assess. Here i could develop my code and test it locally in the integrated terminal within the software.