Hesk Ticketing Software

Open Source Ticketing Software For IT Support


Hesk is a free and open-source ticketing software that allows users to organize and prioritize tickets, create and view tickets, and respond to clients. It also supports the creation of both internal and external knowledge databases for client use.

Project Background

While studying for my Level 2 Diploma in IT Support, my tutor Darren covered the topic of ticketing software and its vital role in the industry. However, due to the college’s group policies and IT restrictions, we were unable to download any unapproved software, including ticketing systems, despite previous requests from tutors.

Identifying the Problem

Recognizing the importance of experience with helpdesk and ticketing systems for job applications, I saw this as a significant obstacle for my fellow students and myself. With the software still not approved and weekly remote sessions, I decided to find a solution. After consulting with my tutor and receiving his approval, I took on the task of implementing a ticketing system.

Solution Research and Selection

I needed to find a free ticketing software due to the lack of financial support for the project. Through my research, I chose Hesk because it is free, fully customizable, user-friendly, and web-based. This made it accessible for students and compatible with various devices.

Deployment and Hosting

To ensure constant accessibility, I decided to host the service on AWS, utilizing their free tier plans for EC2 instances. This provided a reliable virtual machine with excellent uptime. Concurrently, I delved into Linux and learned about spinning up web servers using Apache. I deployed an Ubuntu virtual machine and installed the necessary software for Hesk.

Configuration and User Setup

After configuring the software, I created user accounts for all students and set admin accounts for myself and my tutor. I also added fictional user accounts to create test scenarios. Additionally, I configured category groups for tickets, such as hardware issues, software issues, and password resets.

Ticket Configuration

I customized the default tickets to ensure IT Technicians received relevant information to resolve issues effectively. Once the configurations were complete, I consulted Darren, and we decided to proceed with the implementation.

Practical Application

During the following remote sessions, we used the deployed ticketing system for role-playing scenarios. Tickets ranged from simple resets to complex issues, simulating real-world usage. Tickets were prioritized and documented, and once approved by the tutor, they were closed and added to the knowledge bank.


This project provided the class with a fundamental understanding and practical experience of using ticketing software, significantly enhancing our skills and readiness for the industry.

Hesk Ticketing Software

Hesk is a Ticketing Software used by IT Technicians. It allow users to submit tickets for IT support and receive this in an organise and documented way.


AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud service provider offering multiple cloud solutions. I used AWS to host a EC2 virtual machine that could run the required software.


I used Ubuntu to host the software as I had previous knowledge of the operating system. Also Ubuntu is a lot more lightweight then Microsoft Windows so would be more efficient to run, and sufficient for the task and ensure that the free tier selected on AWS would not be surpassed.